How to Find a Therapist in NYC & New York in 2023

Takeaway: Whether you’re starting therapy for the first time or are on the hunt for a new therapist, it can be hard to know where to begin. That’s why I put together this guide for how to find a good therapist in NYC–one who’s right for your specific needs. 

how to find a therapist in nyc
  • Knowing where to begin can be a daunting task. There are a multitude of capable and experienced mental health providers in New York and an abundance of mental health counselors in NYC. There are many benefits to talk therapy and the many methods in which the different in-person or online mental health professionals can help you achieve your goals. Mental health services can be highly personalized to your unique needs and can have innumerable short-term and long-term benefits to your life.

  • In this post, I will cover:

  • Benefits of getting clear on what you need from mental health services.

  • How to find a therapist in NYC, considering logistics, such as budgeting, in-person vs. online options, etc.

  • Questions to ask on an initial consultation and how to start your search for mental health providers

Getting clear on what you need

Gaining clarity on what it is you need at this point from counseling services becomes an essential first step. You may initially feel a lack of clarity. You might feel like "you have a rough idea", or "just want to feel better" and can't seem to find words to translate a sense of "just wanting things to change" This is a perfect first step, fully acknowledging that we may not have all the answers but knowing that something is "off" starts to provide clarity.

Write these words down, this becomes your "why" you are looking for therapy sessions at this point. Maybe something happened recently, that has impacted your lack of motivation, sense of hope, or sense of worth. You may have had a relationship or a connection to someone that was lost, or maybe your work and relationships are not bringing you the same satisfaction you once felt. Your stress may stem directly in response to a specific situation, or it could be deeper, maybe unresolved trauma from an earlier part of your life that is still hindering your ability to remain fully present in your relationships. Seeking therapy services can mean different things for different people and all of these are valid reasons for engaging in therapy sessions.

You may be in a situation where you need some support and feel you are unable to find this level of encouragement in your current network; again, all valid! Mental health benefits are monumental when you find the right mental health counselor to help you in your journey.

Before starting your search, start with a "why" for yourself, what is the main reason you are seeking therapy at this time?

Next, consider gender, culture, religious beliefs, and background. Look inside for your value system to guide where and with whom you would feel comfortable sharing your vulnerabilities. This is an important step to consider, as the therapeutic process hinges on your ability to feel safe opening up to someone and ultimately having a strong therapeutic relationship.

A lot of people may know what type of therapy they want to participate in, some may not. This is okay, I would suggest doing some light research without overwhelming yourself too much on some of the therapeutic modalities out there being used by professional counselors. Many therapists write on their websites what therapeutic modalities they use and what mental health conditions they treat. They may post that they have specialized training in CBT, EMDR, SPT, BSFT, EFT, DBT, etc. What are all these acronyms? what do they mean? All of this specialized training is usually taken by mental health professionals post-graduate studies.

For instance, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT, would still not mean much for some folks. Doing light research on this model can help you feel better as there is power in knowledge. Better yet, if the mental health professional you are looking into, has explanations on how they use these therapeutic modalities in their practice.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy CBT treatment usually involves efforts or interventions to change thinking patterns that are causing difficulties for you in your life. These strategies might include:

  • Learning to recognize one’s thinking patterns that could be contributing to sources of stress, and then reevaluate them through a different lens, providing options.

  • Gaining a better understanding of the behavior and motivation of others.

  • Using problem-solving skills to cope with difficult situations.

  • Learning to develop a greater sense of confidence in one’s own abilities.

CBT treatment also usually involves efforts to change behavioral patterns. These strategies might include:

  • Facing one’s fears instead of avoiding them.

  • Using role-playing to prepare for potentially problematic interactions with others.

  • Learning to calm one’s mind and relax one’s body.

Not all CBT, will use all of these strategies. Rather, the mental health professional and patient/client work together, in a collaborative fashion, to develop an understanding of the problem and to develop a treatment strategy.

Source: APA Div. 12 (Society of Clinical Psychology)

Having read what CBT is and how it can be used by mental health professionals, for example, can further provide clarity into what you need at this time and help you find the right therapist for your specific needs.

Ask or look for therapists who offer a free initial consultation. Have a list of questions ready; let potential therapists know what you are looking for and ask for credentials and modality of working with clients. This initial consultation will also help you gauge the therapist's energy.

Another thing to consider nowadays is whether you would feel more comfortable through in-person therapy or online therapy sessions.

How to find a therapist in New York 

how to find a therapist nyc

There are many ways in which you can start your search.

1. Referrals!

Talk to your friends or colleagues who have shared with you that they are in therapy and have had a good experience. Ask if they feel comfortable sharing this resource with you.

2. Primary Care Physicians

Primary care physicians or your college counseling center can be great referral sources.

3. Health Insurance

Health insurance plans are an important resource, especially if you are expressly looking for an in network therapist, through your insurance company vs. an out of network therapist.

4. Out of network Providers

Don't rule out out of network providers; look into your insurance benefits and inquire if you have out of network benefits. This may mean that you meet a deductible, and after meeting this deductible, you will be reimbursed anywhere between 60 to 100 percent of your therapy costs. Out of network providers, usually have a lower caseload than in network therapists and will have more freedom to tailor your therapy needs.

5. Therapy Directories

Making use of therapy directories is another way in which you can look for a licensed therapist who has been verified and vetted. Psychology Today, Best Therapists, Therapy Den, and Zoc Doc are a few you can look into.

6.Online therapy platforms

Online therapy platforms have skyrocketed in recent years. Looking into the different platforms can be a great resource.

Every online therapy platform will provide something different to you and may focus on specific issues, such as depression, anxiety, or relationships; therefore, their therapists will likely have this expertise as the main focus in their practice. Some platforms may offer several licensed professionals in different states with an array of different backgrounds and expertise. 

Usually, platforms ask some initial questions and recommend therapists on their platform based on your answers. Does the platform allow you to choose the therapist? Can you speak to more than one therapist and then make a decision as to which therapist you start sessions with? 

Remember, online platforms at their core are websites that facilitate a service between you and a therapist. You are hiring a service to help you with your goals.

Do your research, check out at least three online platform options with your goal in mind, and ask questions. You can contact customer service if you don’t find the answers readily accessible.

Remember that you are making the right decision for yourself and that by doing the research, checking qualifications, and what different platforms have to offer in terms of costs and expertise in their therapists, you are setting yourself up for success and maximizing your experience.

Whether you are experiencing depression, anxiety, relational issues, grief, or stress; traditional in-person therapy and online therapy at their core have the same intent, to support you and guide you in your journey to wellness and growth. 

Considering logistics

Logistics to keep in mind when choosing a licensed therapist in NYC:

find a therapist nyc

In person vs. online therapy, costs, and schedule alignment are important factors.

PROS of online therapy sessions

1.      Convenience

The value of knowing that you can access your therapist from the comfort of your own space at any time that is convenient for you is immeasurable. Barriers such as childcare or transportation are no longer an issue with online therapy.

2.      More approachable

For many, online therapy is a more approachable way to access mental health care. In today’s society, there is still some stigma around receiving services from a therapist. You do not need to have a diagnosed mental health disorder in order to receive support and online therapy provides a more accessible platform.

3.      Greater accessibility to quality therapy for people living in rural areas

People who live in remote communities or rural areas often have a difficult time accessing quality services. Most therapists now have availability virtually opening the doors to more specialties for a more tailored treatment plan at your fingertips.

CONS of online therapy sessions

1.      More challenging to feel connected to the process of therapy

Since you are not both in the same room during a session, it may prove more difficult to feel a connection to your therapist, and trust in the therapeutic relationship may take a bit longer to establish.

2.      It may not be appropriate in instances where there is a serious mental illness

Comprehensive treatment teams or day treatment programs are more appropriate in these cases. For people who are experiencing suicidal ideation with the intention to follow through will also be more appropriate for in-person settings or crisis-receiving services rather than online. Unless online services are a part of a larger treatment team.

3.      It may not be a good fit for some people.

Some people may just find that they are not being cared for enough and may find the experience more distancing than warm.

find a therapist new york

PROS of in-person sessions

1.      In-person therapy has years of evidence-backed research highlighting the benefits of therapy. It is an established practice that has proven to be very effective in treating most mental health illnesses.

2.      Forming a therapeutic alliance. The nature of in-person interaction allows body language and presence to be part of the equation and this is a very powerful tool to elicit trust building. This can also be true for online therapy, but it can be hard to replicate virtually for less skilled therapists.

3.      More treatment modalities can be introduced in in-person therapy.

There could be more materials that can be used for expression in a therapy office as well as allow a therapeutic environment for movement techniques.

CONS of in-person sessions

1.      Hard to find quality therapists in rural areas.

People who live in cities have access to choices and chances are higher in finding a skilled therapist that specializes in your particular issue. On the contrary, finding in-person therapists in rural areas can be difficult and can aggravate further isolation and hopelessness to existing conditions.

2.      Inconvenience

For many, getting an in-person therapy appointment can be difficult. Some therapy offices have limited space or times after business hours, having to take off work or rush to get to an appointment on time after regular work hours is challenging. This is one of the biggest barriers to in-person therapy.

3.      Stigma

Stigma can oftentimes impede the process of getting to an appointment at a therapist’s office or counseling center. Waiting for an appointment can feel triggering for people who have anxiety about getting help to begin with. Many people who have a higher degree of anxiety do not make in-person appointments regularly.

Finally, your budget will need to be factored in while researching a prospective therapist in NYC. Being realistic about what you are able to afford in terms of the ongoing cost of therapy can be a determining reason for choosing a particular mental health provider.

  • If you have found a prospective therapist, you really like and would like to work with, and their therapy costs are higher than you can afford at this time; I recommend that you ask if they offer a sliding scale fee. Many mental health professionals offer a sliding scale depending on your current budget.

What to ask during your initial consultation with an NYC therapist

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Look for therapists who offer a free initial consultation. Many therapists offer this consultation service to decrease barriers to inquiring about mental health services. Have a list of questions ready and let potential therapists know what you are looking for. Ask for credentials and approach to working with their clients. This initial consultation will also help you gauge the therapist's energy.

Below are some sample questions:

  1. What is your preferred modality or approach to treating your clients, certificates, licenses, etc.?

  2. If it is important to you, inquire about the length of experience in their field or if they are starting out, are they being supervised by someone with an independent license to practice? They should disclose this information right away.

  3. Based on your goals or reason for seeking services, do they have suggestions as to which approach or modality might work best for you?

  4. Depending on what your concerns are, do they have a referral network in case you need a psychiatrist or a psychiatric nurse practitioner to prescribe medication, groups, any adjoining therapies or wellness supports, etc.?

  5. How does the therapist track treatment and its efficacy? How will you both assess your progress in therapy?

  6. When will you start therapy? what availability does the potential therapist have? Does this availability match your preferences?

  7. Does the potential therapist have flexibility between online and in person sessions?

  8. How much will treatment cost?

    Remember, a good therapist will allow room for your questions, will welcome them, and will not avoid answering, or make you feel in the wrong for your inquiries. If you feel that you are being demeaned or condescended to, do not second guess yourself and make an appointment with a different therapist. You will find the right fit for you and your needs.

Start your search for a therapist in NYC today

finding a therapist in nyc

As a therapist, it is important for me to get to know you, learn what is important to you, and discover your personal language.

I would like to hear about your therapy goals and how you relate to the world around you. I will create a safe space to process and support you in making choices that feel meaningful to you.

My clients can expect genuine compassion and quality care. I listen with an open heart and draw from my 20+ years of experience. My goal is to be personable, and relatable and to work with clients so they are able to embrace my perspective without it feeling too analytical or distant.

In our initial consultation, and assessment we can discuss what approach you feel more comfortable with and I will tailor a plan specific to meet your needs and goals. I will help, support, and guide you to ultimately achieve feeling better and obtain a stronger sense of self-worth, belief in yourself, and a renewed empowered stance toward achieving your goals.

You and I can have conversations about how often and how long you feel you need my level of support and track your progress in sessions. Therapy can be brief and solution-focused or be used as a long-term supportive therapy.

I offer individual, couples, and family therapy in my practice.

Below is a brief explanation of the modalities I use in therapy sessions with my clients.

Art Therapy is a branch of psychotherapy that can be very empowering. It provides us with an additional source of communication. It can not only help us to feel seen but to feel proud. It can be used as a means to express ourselves and be used with many modalities, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, internal family systems, and family work.

In a systemic review finding, with the aim of identifying and evaluating empirical evidence of the effectiveness of art therapy for trauma treatment; comparative studies on art therapy for trauma in adult patients were found. Findings reported a significant decrease in psychological trauma symptoms and a significant decrease in depression.

Schouten, K. A., de Niet, G. J., Knipscheer, J. W., Kleber, R. J., & Hutschemaekers, G. J. M. (2015). The Effectiveness of Art Therapy in the Treatment of Traumatized Adults: A Systematic Review on Art Therapy and Trauma. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 16(2), 220–228.

Family systems, structural family therapy, and parent-child psychotherapy are all treatment modalities I use in my work with families.

Structural Family Therapy (SFT) is a type of family therapy that looks at the structure of a family unit and improves the interactions between family members. By addressing how members of the family relate to one another, the goal is to improve communication and relationships to create positive changes for both individual family members and the family unit as a whole.

Structural family therapy can be helpful for many families, but it is often recommended in situations or life events that involve:

  • Families affected by trauma.

  • Divorce, separation, or remarriage.

  • Blended families.

  • Intergenerational families.

  • Single-parent families.

  • When one family member is affected by a mental health condition such as depression, anxiety, substance use, or post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD.

  • Families affected by chronic illness or disability.

  • Significant life changes such as changing careers, coming out, or moving.

Any family that is coping with tension or conflict can potentially benefit from structural family therapy.

Sexton T. Functional Family Therapy in Clinical Practice: An Evidence-Based Treatment Model for Working with Troubled Adolescents. Routledge; New York, NY, USA: 2011.

Parent-Child Psychotherapy

CPP is an intervention model for children aged 0-6 who have experienced at least one traumatic event and/or are experiencing mental health, attachment, and/or behavioral problems, including posttraumatic stress disorder. The treatment is based on attachment theory but also integrates psychodynamic, developmental, trauma, social learning, and cognitive behavioral theories.

Therapeutic sessions include the child and parent or primary caregiver. The primary goal of CPP is to support and strengthen the relationship between a child and his or her caregiver as a vehicle for restoring the child's cognitive, behavioral, and social functioning. Treatment also focuses on contextual factors that may affect the caregiver-child relationship.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT)

CBT treatment is a widely used evidence-based treatment proven to reduce symptoms of many mental health conditions, primarily depression and anxiety disorders. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most effective means of treatment for substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders.

TF-CBT is an evidence-based treatment that helps children, adolescents, and emerging adults address the negative effects of trauma, including processing traumatic memories or a single traumatic event and developing effective coping and interpersonal skills.

Internal Family Systems is an evidence-based psychotherapy, that supports you in accessing and healing the inner protective and wounded parts of yourself, creating inner and outer connectedness and helping you come to understand yourself in a deeper more meaningful way promoting healing. I use art therapy interventions to aid in this process.

Whether for individual, couples, or family therapy, it is essential to feel comfortable and safe. Having the right support can motivate us to take steps that we may find difficult or challenging.

It is never too late to take action.
You are valuable and deserve to feel fulfillment and joy in every aspect of your life.

Don't hesitate to schedule a free 15 minute consultation.

how to find a good therapist in nyc


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